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Flash fiction coming up in August 2022

We’re taking a break from publishing weekly flash fiction, so these will be the last stories for a while. Here’s a little taster of the August flash fiction to whet your appetite:

5 August 2022 – ‘Blossoms’ by Marion Lougheed:

He doesn’t believe her, hasn’t believed her all day, regardless of how often she repeats the words. ‘We’re safe here,’ he says, but she turns her face away with a snarl…

12 August 2022 – ‘Kaleidoscope’ by Emily Huso:

In the two months since her father’s death, Vidian’s dreams have erupted in electric neon. Cometing bouquets of icy blue anemones, oily ink blots that buzz and glow like the sign for the local strip club, a woman’s body bent into glass…

19 August 2022 – ‘Platja del Torn’ by Colin Dunne:

For a few seconds she watched three children chasing each other around the ruins of the Roman Forum, then turned back to look at the boy, who was calling for the check. The waitress arrived—pregnant, much younger than the woman, about the boy’s age…

26 August 2022 – ‘A Last Date’ by Amy Cameron:

On the passenger seat her phone vibrated: David. There was no point saying goodbye; he would be upset and angry…

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