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Flash fiction coming up in July 2022

We have some fantastic flash fiction lined up for July. Here’s a little taster to whet your appetite:

1 July 2022 – ‘The Playground’ by Laury A. Egan:

On this warm day, the grass in the park is emerald green and a cluster of daffodils huddle in a raised rock garden, their heavy yellow heads nodding in a light breeze. The wealthy community keeps the playground immaculate, with parents and nannies on alert for candy wrappers, cigarette butts, beer cans, and weeds, which they remove, and any homeless people, who are forced elsewhere…

8 July 2022 – ‘Tobacco Green’ by Veronica Robinson:

Mrs Browne eyed Daisy’s outfit. ‘How can you afford a dress like that?’ ‘Like what?’ ‘The dress you’ve got on. You can’t afford a dress like that on the wages I pay you.’

15 July 2022 – ‘All He Could Do Was Hold His Hand’ by David Luntz:

Which his father did when the balloon’s strings slipped from his fingers. Which was weird. His father had never held his hand in public before. Years later he wondered if his father wanted to keep him that day from floating off, too…

22 July 2022 – ‘The Language of Toads’ by John Brantingham:

Wanda wakes in the still blue dawn light, thinking about Ted, her husband, who’s off fighting Hitler’s men in North Africa. She wanders out into the kitchen to find Henry standing over something small and moving in the kitchen…

29 July 2022 – ‘Outer Demons’ by Patrick Lind:

The first time I saw a demon I was standing in line at the checkout. It was perched on the cashier’s shoulder, whispering in his ear. I cried out in surprise, but no one else seemed to notice the demon. Not even the cashier. As I got closer I began to hear what the demon whispered…

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